80: Danessa Knaupp: Lead with Naked Authenticity

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According to our guest, it is easier to grow professionally and personally if you are “Naked at Work” (metaphorically speaking of course). Danessa Knaupp is an executive coach, former CEO, keynote speaker and author who says we should shift the conversation on leadership. She has coached hundreds of executives across every major industry and has developed a reputation as a candid, compassionate and courageous leadership partner. She has a brand-new book, Naked at Work: A Leader’s Guide to Fearless Authenticity—it’s all about harnessing the power of real authenticity (not “#authenticity”) to drive measurable business results.

Danessa earned her executive coaching credentials from Georgetown University, and a BA in Psychology and Sociology from the College of William and Mary. She spent more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and a senior executive and ultimately, CEO. She lives with her husband and children in Virginia.

Among the topics that Danessa and Jim discuss:

  • The difference between effective authenticity and what Danessa calls “#authenticity”
  • The business case – what authentic leaders are able to do better
  • Why an authentic leader’s behavior elicits more risk-taking and better communication in the organization
  • The specific role of conversation in being an authentic leader
  • Danessa’s 6-step process for building your authenticity and effectiveness as a leader


Learn more about Danessa and her work:


Check out Danessa’s new book:


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